Your dental practice will operate more profitably.

Dental coaching and HR services aimed at retaining team members, improving performance, and building culture.
Manage your dental practice more profitably and efficiently.
Motivate your team and align them with your practice goals.
Build a culture that will keep your whole team happy.
As a dental practice VP who came up through the ranks from dental assistant through hygiene co-ordinating, office management and HR, Jackie has seen and done everything you need done right. She’s dealt with all of the problems you’re facing right now through her experience hiring 125+ team members into the Dental Wellness Group.
dental coaching for dental practices

Manage your dental practice more profitably.

Most practices on the surface look like they’re doing well, even when they are struggling to meet break even targets. Increasing productivity and profitability is possible with the right policies and procedures in place. As a business professional, I’ll help you do that.

Align your goals with your team’s motivations.

Remove toxic team members that work against the dentist core values. Get your team aligned to a common purpose. Anything’s possible when your team is all on the same page. Let’s get them there.


Build a culture that’ll keep your team happy.

Staff turnover is the not-so-silent killer of many dental practices. Lack of strong leadership can drive team away. I can help you create a culture that keeps team members happy. We can do it together.

If we address these types of issues effectively, nothing will change. But, positive change for your dental practice IS possible. Ask Jackie.

Meet Jackie

She’s a no-nonsense, personable, professional who knows how to get things done. She addresses HR services, team building, and practice management.

Jackie has spent over 30 years in the dental industry. Fifteen as a dental assistant, and the last 18 years in admin and office management roles, to become VP of the Dental Wellness Group.  

Jackie has a kind but firm personality. She understands team dynamics, and how to communicate effectively. At the end of the day Jackie is an advocate for the success in the office. She will provide good support to the dentist. The business side can make or break the clinic. Her clinical and admin knowledge is an asset to any office.  

Jackie Brett
The ABCs of creating a profitable dental practice.


Hire Jackie. Whatever the job small or large, I start with whats most pressing.  We will climb the mountain, just not all in one day.  


Design a plan. Setting short and long-term goals, and measure our success. We need to see and get results. 


Be more profitable. This is the focus of your practice operations. Realistic targets are set for daily, weekly, and monthly goals.


You’ll be smiling when we work together.

Your whole dental team is aligned and will be more effective, efficient, and profitable! The way it was meant to be.

Talk to Jackie

Her extensive experience working in all aspects of dental practices, from patient care to administration is exactly what you need to ensure your practice is well managed, profitable, and an environment you and your team will be delighted to be in every day.